9 things I learned from 9 years at Google

Noor Ali-Hasan
UX Research Journal
8 min readDec 12, 2021


Collection of Android toys in front of a window.
My Android figurine collection at my desk — summer 2021. Photo by author.

This past Friday (December 10, 2021) marked my nine year Googleversary! Nobody makes a big deal out of nine year anniversaries but I have been all week! When I joined Google back in late 2012, I had a major case of imposter syndrome and felt that I needed to constantly prove myself. For a long time, I wasn’t sure if I was good enough to be a Googler. So being at Google for nine years makes me feel like I’ve…



Noor Ali-Hasan
UX Research Journal

I’m a UX research lead at Google, where I help teams design and build desirable and easy to use products. Outside of work, I love art, Peloton, and Lego.